How to prepare for the test?
For the ultrasound, your bladder may need to be completely full.
Blood may be drawn prior to the test to determine your blood type and Rh factor. If you are Rh negative, you might receive a shot of a medication called Rho(D) Immune Globulin (RhoGAM and other brands).
Why is the Test Performed?
Amniocentesis is typically recommended for women who are at high risk of having a child with birth defects. This category includes women who:
- When they give birth, are 35 or older.
- Had a screening test that revealed a possible birth defect or other issue
- In previous pregnancies, had babies with birth defects.
- Have a genetic disorder in your family?
You will be able to:
- Study additional antenatal tests.
- Make an informed choice regarding the possibilities for prenatal diagnosis.
This exam:
- is a diagnostic test
- is typically performed between 15 and 20 weeks, while it can be done at any time between 15 and 40 weeks.
Numerous distinct chromosome and gene disorders in the unborn child can be identified using amniocentesis, including:
- Anencephaly (when the newborn is missing a big section of the brain) (when the baby is missing a large portion of the brain)
- Dwarf Syndrome
- uncommon metabolic disorders that run in families
- Additional genetic issues, such as trisomy 18
- Amniotic fluid infections
How is the test performed?
- Typically, amniocentesis is performed between weeks 15 and 20 of pregnancy, though it can be done later if necessary
- Although the entire consultation may last up to 30 minutes, the exam itself typically lasts around 10 minutes
- An ultrasound image is used to guide the insertion of a long, thin needle into your abdominal wall during the test
- Your baby’s amniotic sac is punctured with a needle, and a little sample of amniotic fluid is drawn out for testing